The TPNS Network Server currently on version 2.90
This is the core of the TPNS system and GPS navigation system.

previous demonstration we used to present the system in October 2006
Serving more than 400 taxi cars and 20 TPNS administrators today, our servers has expanded from being only one server into having 4 concurrent servers running
in fully load-balanced mode, these servers have other back-end servers to talk to such as the SQL database services, post-code and Navigation servers, DNS and
email servers etc

Sitting at one of the top datacentres in London, the system is hosted on a dedicated-server platforms and running at fiber-optic speeds, the server is fully managed by
a 24x7 online support, and backed up with another server sharing the load through a fast Alteon load balancer, all systems are hosted securely, and protected by
CISCO firewalls to ensure the maximum security at the maximum throughput.

Our servers today handles more than 400 simulatious connections at a given 10-20% load, all services are hosted including TPNS, SQL Data, DNS, S/FTP, email and web services,
etc and running at a bazing fast 100MBps dedicated upload/download speeds, which gives the feeling to the customer that the system is all running as a one component without
even knowing that the system has the most important part of it located in another country altogether.
The TPNS server is the core of the system as it connects all Taxi clients with their admin, route messages, assign orders, communicating to the database, and giving full
updates on the GPS navigation to cross reference each car's coordinates to the admin in real time. In the new V2 release, message queuing was introduced to ensure that the
system never misses any communication to or from client / admin whatsoever.
This product is hosted in Newhex Datacenter and is not currently available for downloading, however, customers are welcome to request a login to be
activated on this server by contacting us for similar requests.
For any further information please contact us.